Changelog EN¶
Version 5.0.3¶
Beschreibung |
3D Secure Version 2.1 |
Corrected sha hash calculation for redirect calls with special chars |
Version 5.0.2¶
Beschreibung |
polyfill for string method: startsWith |
changed inline style setting from initial to block |
Version 5.0.1¶
Beschreibung |
support for payments DirectEbankingDE, DirectEbankingAT, ... |
create warning log entry if old deferred feedback controller is still used |
Version 5.0.0¶
Beschreibung |
compatibility to Oxid 6 |
Version 4.2.8¶
Description |
corrected bug for terms and conditions check on order submit |
Version 4.2.7¶
Description |
if a subshop is selected, the ingenico payments log only shows entries for that subshop |
Version 4.2.6¶
Description |
check for mandatory fields in psp feedback |
write to log if mandatory fields where not present |
documentation in module files |
Version 4.2.5¶
Description |
correct template name when javascript is disabled and alias payment is used |
correct path to functions.php if module is included via symlink |
Version 4.2.4¶
Description |
link to german or english documentation and changelog respectively |
split logs per date |
download link for filtered log |
Version 4.2.3¶
Description |
use default oxid behaviour for order success mails |
Version 4.2.2¶
|_. Description|
|Hotfix for branding method problems|
Version 4.2.1¶
Description |
branding method changed |
Version 4.2.0¶
Description |
file srructure changed |
Version 4.1.0¶
Description |
aftersales functionality (capture, refund) added |
saving alias data for reuse added |
logging improvements |
show session id and user in all log entries |
logging entries in a filterable table |
no duplicate entries in status overview |
Version 4.0.2¶
Description |
check for order creation to prevent order with empty information and oxordernr = 0 |
resolved order amount rounding error (e.g. with amount is 16.90) |
Version 4.0.1¶
Description |
don't send order mails when handling deferred feedback is changed |
Version 4.0.0¶
Description |
Templates for the Flow Theme added |
Flow Theme Templates are always used when Azure is not active |
BillPay Bug Fixed: Incorrect Prices at Position Level |
Smaller bug fixes |
Version 3.3.0¶
Description |
Two new payment methods: VVV Gift Card and Dankort are added |
If no order has been created for any reason, the customer is returned with an info back to the payment page |
Version 3.2.1¶
Description |
The redirect page to the PSP is translated via LangaugeFiles |
Also the ShopId is sent to the PSP and reused with a Redirect and Deferred feedback |
Version 3.2.0¶
Description |
Adjustment of values for SHA Out calculation |
The order can now also be created via the deferred feedback |
The URL for the Deferred Feedback changes from[...]deferred_feedback to [... ] fncHandleDeferredFeedback (values for [...] corresponding to the PSP) |
Version 3.1.1¶
Description |
Adapted behavior for mastercard, when iframe is active but Hidden Auth is disabled |
Save the PayID as VarChar because the PSP number has changed for this value |
Select whether the PayID or OrderID should be stored in the field oxtransid of the table oxorder |
Version 3.1.0¶
Description |
Convert a template override into an extension with Blockappend |
Correct functionality, if javascript is disabled |
Version 3.0.4¶
Ticket | Description |
#2523 | Fixed rounding problem from float to Int |
# 2694 | Correct calculation of the address hash with invoice AND delivery address |
# 2814 | Convert all response parameters in UpperCase for correct recognition |
# 2918 | Deliveries of the Federal States with orders, if this is set, with orders over Paypal |
Version 3.0.3¶
Ticket | Description |
#2600 | Backward compatibility for outdated PHP version |
# 2384 | Problem with completion of the order Resolving a problem with the terms and conditions confirmation enabled |
Version 3.0.2¶
Ticket | Description |
# 2523 | Error Checking Amount Parsing the basketAmounts to Intvals to perform correct comparison |
# 2284 | credit card problem iFrame and Redirect Using Mastercard under iFrame is now sent as a brand eurocard |
Version 3.0.1¶
Ticket | Description |
#2298: Function '_validateTermsAndConditions' does not exist or is not accessible! | Behebt ein Problem mit Shopware Versionen kleiner 4.8.6 |
#2288: Hidden Authorization erzeugen SHA Out Mismatch | Anpassung der SHA-Keys für Hidden Authorization |
Version 3.0¶
Ticket | Description |
#1038: Finalize Order after Payment | |
> #2067: Order Finalisation | The order is only created after the payment has been authorized. Failed authorizations therefore do not create an erroneous order |
> #2116: Insertion of a Transaction-ID | Instead of the order ID, a transaction ID is now used for communication with Ogone |
> #2117: Behaviour of the Payment-Controller | The Payment Controller uses the ResponseHandler to process the feedback of Ogone |
> #2120: Using the execute function instead of finalizeOrder | The oxide-specific function execute is used to create the purchase order |
> #2122: ParamBuilder without usage of oxOrder | DThe ParamBuilder needs to compute the information for Ogone from oxUser and oxBasket so that no posting needs to be made |
> #2191: One Page (using Alias Gateway) should be optional | It is possible to dispense with the use of Hidden Authorization (Onsite). Instead, a payment is made by means of Redirect. |
> #2225: Multitab Problem | A security gap resulting from the creation of the order after payment has been fixed |
> #2226: Hidden Authorization using iFrame (Hosted Tokenization Page) | It is possible to choose whether the Hidden Authorization is to be executed via JavaScript with a form on the shop side or with an iFrame. |
#1039: Core library for Ogone API calls | |
> #2118: Splitting the ParamBuilder into three Services | There is now a separate ParamBuilder for each interface |
> #2119: Changing the RequestParameter Model from an array into objects with setters and getters | The OgoneResponse model now has Getter and Setter for the most important parameters (OrderID, Alias, Status, ...) |
> #2121: FeedbackHandler as a Service | Each interface has its own FeedbackHandler that handles the Ogone response |
> #2123: Call of the Alias-Gateway using the Client | A client class is available for direct communication with Ogone |
> #2124: Access to Request parameters only using oxConfig | Oxide provides a function for secure access to request parameters (GET / POST). This function should always be used for access |
> #2230: Creating the URLs depending on the settings live mode and utf-8 | The interface URLs no longer have to be entered manually, but are determined using the parameters isLiveModus and useUtf8 |
#2059: Set payment date | You can set whether the payment date is to be set automatically if an OK status is returned from the PSP (does not mean that the money has been received) |
#2155: Running Tests on a testshop on porthugalserver | The module was extensively tested for shop versions 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 |