Conceptional Questions¶
Setup / Module Settings¶
- Should Avalara be active for specific countries only?
--> Configuration for delivery country or for each shopinstance
--> Settings: Active and US or CA or US and CA. - Which currency can be used with the Avalara API?
- Is it Possible to receive US tax in Euro?
- Could Avalara always be requested? Or is caching of Avalara responses required (e.g. address-check?)
- Info: The experience shows in average up to 10 getTax calls before order confirmation. In a straight-forward order entry process, the number of calls should be about three to five.
--> No caching necessary.
- Info: The experience shows in average up to 10 getTax calls before order confirmation. In a straight-forward order entry process, the number of calls should be about three to five.
- Which address is relevant for addressCheck ?
--> delivery address
After Sales¶
- How do changes to existing orders work?
- For example partial cancelation?
- Or increase position amount / quantity.
--> It is possible to calculate and set negative taxes for refunds.
- Does Avalara offer a history of all order states, to compare any changes?
- Shopware does not. Only the current state is available.
- How does Avalara calculate the tax rate with TaxIncluded "true" (Do we need transmit netprices?)
--> Tax included just tells Avalara, if the Avalara tax is included in the price (frozen price)
--> So net prices has to be transmitted. No "German" taxes included. - Which optional parameters can change the tax rates?
- Example: Customer Usage Type?
- Do only required
- Are the required parameters for the Avalara certification, the only parameters which can influence the tax rate?
--> Avalara integration video tells about important parameters:
- What could be a scenario to send original invoice date as tax calculation date for return orders/credit memos?
- Should it be configurable?
- Has the sender address influence on the calculated tax value?
--> no. - Which would be the relevant delivery address for virtual goods?
- What should happen if address validations failed?
--> The transaction should be allowed to proceed even if they accept the invalid address as being correct. - How will the tax be calculated if the address is invalid?
--> not our business ;) - Why does the example for GetTax Result not return any calculated tax?
- Are payment and/or shipping fees relevant for tax-calculation ?